Korean J Physiol Pharmacol 2024; 28(2): 113-120
Published online March 1, 2024 https://doi.org/10.4196/kjpp.2024.28.2.113
Copyright © Korean J Physiol Pharmacol.
Seung Yeon Ha, Jin-Young Kim, and Ji Ha Choi*
Department of Pharmacology, Inflammation-Cancer Microenvironment Research Center, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 07804, Korea
Correspondence to:Ji Ha Choi
E-mail: jihachoi@ewha.ac.kr
Author contributions: J.H.C. designed the study. S.Y.H. and J.Y.K. carried out the experiments and analyzed the data. S.Y.H. and J.H.C. wrote the manuscript.
Solute carrier 40A1 (SLC40A1) encodes ferroportin, which is the only known transmembrane protein that exports elemental iron from mammalian cells and is essential for iron homeostasis. Mutations in SLC40A1 are associated with iron-overload disorders. In addition to ferroportin diseases, SLC40A1 expression is downregulated in various cancer types. Despite the clinical significance of the SLC40A1 transporter, only a few studies have investigated genetic variants in SLC40A1. The present study was performed to identify genetic variations in the SLC40A1 promoter and functionally characterize each variant using in vitro assays. We investigated four haplotypes and five variants in the SLC40A1 promoter. We observed that haplotype 3 (H3) had significantly lower promoter activity than H1, whereas the activity of H4 was significantly higher than that of H1. Luciferase activity of H2 was comparable to that of H1. In addition, four variants of SLC40A1, c.-1355G>C, c.-662C>T, c.-98G>C, and c.-8C>G, showed significantly increased luciferase activity compared to the wild type (WT), whereas c.-750G>A showed significantly decreased luciferase activity compared to the WT. Three transcription factors, cAMP response element-binding protein-1 (CREB-1), chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor 1, and hepatic leukemia factor (HLF), were predicted to bind to the promoter regions of SLC40A1 near c.-662C>T, c.-98G>C, and c.-8C>G, respectively. Among these, CREB-1 and HLF bound more strongly to the variant sequences than to the WT and functioned as activators of SLC40A1 transcription. Collectively, our findings indicate that the two SLC40A1 promoter haplotypes affect SLC40A1 transcription, which is regulated by CREB-1 and HLF.
Keywords: Genetic variation, Promoter, SLC40A1, Transcription
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