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Fig. 2. The interaction of hPKD1 CTF with hPKD2-myc. PKD1(FL or CTF) flag-tagged at the C-terminus was coexpressed with PKD2. PKD1/PKD2 complex was immunoprecipitated using an antibody against the PKD1 N-terminus (7E12) (A upper panel) or an antibody against the PKD1 C-terminus (A-20) (B upper panel) and detected by anti-PKD2 antibody (H-280). PKD1/PKD2 complex was also immunoprecipitated using anti-PKD2 antibody (H-280) and detected an antibody against the PKD1 N-terminus (7E12) (A lower panel) or an antibody against the PKD1 C-terminus (A-20) (B lower panel). FL and NTF forms of PKD1 were observed with FL-Flag. The cleaved CTF forms and non-cleaved FL were detected by an anti-PKD1 (A-20) antibody. PKD1 FL or CTF co-immunoprecipitated with PKD2 but not PKD1 NTF. PKD, polycystic kidney disease; CTF, C-terminal fragment; FL, full-length; NTF, N-terminal fragment; IP, immunoprecipitation; IB, immunoblot.
Korean J Physiol Pharmacol 2025;29:93-108
© Korean J Physiol Pharmacol