Fig. 2. BK channel activation upregulates eNOS, raising NO expression in CIH-treated rats.
(A) NO levels in rat aortic tissues. (B) NO levels in rat serum. (C) eNOS protein expression in rat aortic tissues examined with Western blotting. (D) p-eNOS expression in rat aortic tissues tested with Western blotting. N = 6. The data were presented as mean ± standard deviation. Data comparison between two groups was performed with the unpaired student’s t-test, and data comparison among multiple groups was conducted with a one-way analysis of variance, with Tukey’s for post-hoc test. NO, nitric oxide; CIH, chronic intermittent hypoxia; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; p-eNOS, phosphorylation-eNOS; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide. *p < 0.05 compared with the DMSO group.
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