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Fig. 1. Comparison of mechanical characteristics and length-tension property between PAs and MAs.
(A) Representative images of isolated PA and MA mounted for myography. (B) Summary of the length and inner diameter (I.D.) of PAs (n = 9, N = 3) and MAs (n = 8, N = 3). (C) Representative traces showing the active and passive tension recording procedure. Step-like increase of I.D. is indicated by upward arrow with ‘S’. After confirming a quasi-steady state passive tension, 80 mM KCl (80K) was applied to induce an active tension increase, which was reversed by washout with PSS. (D, E) The relationship between the calculated inner circumferential length (I.C.) and tension (both active and passive) of PAs (n = 9, N = 4) and MAs (n = 8, N = 4). Data are presented as means ± SD. PA, pulmonary artery; MA, mesenteric artery; PSS, physiological salt solution.
Korean J Physiol Pharmacol 2024;28:49-57
© Korean J Physiol Pharmacol