Effects of PKC inhibitors on plumbagin-contraction in PhE-treated DFA.
Representative traces of 1 µM (A, n=10) and 10 µM GFX (B, n=7) pre-treatment in DFAs, showing marked suppression of plumbagin-induced contraction by 10 µM GFX. Bar graphs of normalized contraction values assorted by the concentration of GFX (C). Representative traces of 10 nM (D, n=6) and 100 nM Go6976 (E, n=6) effects on plumbagin-induced contraction in PhE-treated DFA. Bar graphs of normalized contraction values assorted by the concentration of Go6976 (F). Representative traces of 0.1 µM (G, n=8) and 1 µM (H, n=10) Go6983 effects on plumbagin-induced contraction in PhE-treated DFA. Bar graphs of normalized contraction values assorted by the concentration of Go6983 (I). In the bar graphs, numbers of tested vessels are indicated above each bar.