Effects of NOX inhibitors and ROS scavengers on plumbagin-contraction in PhE-treated DFA.
A representative trace of 5 µM plumbagin after pre-treatment of 10 µM VAS2870 (NOX inhibitor) in DFA (A, n=6). A bar graph of normalized PhE, VAS2870, plumbagin and steady state (B). Values represent mean±SE and numbers of tested vessel are indicated above each bar. A representative data of 5 µM plumbagin after pre-treatment of 5 µM GKT137831 (NOX4 inhibitor) in DFA (C, n=7). Summarization of GKT137831 effect (D). Raw traces of 1 mM Tiron (n=4) and 353 Units/ml PEG-catalase (ROS scavengers) effect (n=8) before treatment of 5 µM plumbagin (E, G). Summary of the effects of ROS scavengers on the plumbagin-induced augmentation of PhE-pretone (F, H).